Properties and Benefits of Lupins

Upright, pointy, candle-shaped clusters of monochromatic flowers, lupins are an excellent source of protein as well as dietary fiber. Lupin seeds are an excellent meat substitute for people leading either a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle and boast significant cholesterol lowering properties, contributing immensely to cardiovascular health. They have a good thiamine, folic acid and arginine content and provide generous amounts of essential minerals such as magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc.

Regular consumption of lupin seeds is believed to aid digestion, improve intestinal motility, boost immunity and promote heart health, provided you are not allergic to them. It is particularly beneficial for people with celiac disease because it lacks gluten. Being a legume, it is an important source of protein, but also dietary fiber, helping relieve constipation.

Lupin benefits

What is lupin and what does it look like?

Lupin, also known as lupine, refers to a family of flowers producing edible, nutritious seeds called beans and classified as legumes. Lupin plants date back thousands of years and have constituted a basic food source for ancient Mediterranean as well as Central and South American civilizations. Depending on the variety, plants may grow as little as 29 cm or as high as 3 meters.

They have a distinct flower head shape, very similar in appearance to a pointy candle or a spear and blade-like deep green leaves looking very much like flowers themselves. Lupin flowers range in color from white and yellow to orange, pink, red, blue or purple. Each lupin flower produces up to 6 tiny, edible golden seeds known as lupin beans.

What do lupin seeds taste like?

Lupin seeds contain alkaloids, poisonous natural compounds responsible for the bitter taste of the beans. The seeds thus need to be soaked in plenty of water for several hours (overnight might be best) before being consumed. Also, it has been revealed that lupin seeds trigger severe, possibly life-threatening allergic reactions in people already suffering from peanut allergy, in which case you might want to avoid them. Lupinus angustifolius, or the Australian sweet lupin, has a nuttier flavor.

Overall, lupin is quite the nutritious bean, boasting a generous nutritional profile. Regular consumption is believed to hold several great health benefits, especially for celiac disease and cardiovascular disease sufferers. See below a list of the top 10 health benefits of lupins.


What are the benefits of Lupins?

Great cholesterol-lowering properties

Raw lupin seeds are an extraordinary source of dietary fiber, providing 18.9 g of fiber/100 g of beans. Fiber not only favors digestion, but also prevents the absorption of fat from food at the intestinal level, indirectly contributing to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Beneficial effect for blood vessel health

Lupin seeds contain an essential amino acid called arginine. Among other things, arginine has highly beneficial effects on the inner walls of our blood vessels, contributing to what is called endothelial function. Endothelial dysfunction is a major cause of cardiovascular disease, leading to atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, myocardial infarction and stroke.

Improve intestinal motility and relieve constipation

With such an incredibly high fiber content, lupin beans help normalize digestion and prevent symptoms such as painful abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, bloating, gastroesophageal reflux and constipation.

Boost immunity

Lupin beans are a great source of zinc, a potent immunity boosting mineral that reduces the gravity of and stimulates recovery following various infections. Zinc basically stimulates the body to heal itself. A common symptoms of zinc deficiency is represented by white spots on nails.

Promote bone health

Lupin seeds are rich in magnesium, a mineral that optimizes the absorption of calcium in bones and teeth and thus contributes to maintaining bone mineral density and preventing osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Benefits for muscles and nerves

Being a good source of magnesium, lupins help maintain healthy muscles, myocardium (heart muscle) included. This is done by regulating the activity of nerve cells which control movement, heartbeat, mental processes, etc. in muscles.

Excellent protein content

It is estimated that lupin beans are almost 40% protein, making them an ideal meat substitute for anyone leading either a vegetarian or a vegan lifestyle. Other legumes such as beans, peas, chickpeas are also important sources of protein, ideal for vegetarian and vegan diets.

Supports carbohydrate synthesis

Rich in B vitamins, notably vitamins B1 and B9, lupins help support carbohydrate synthesis, a process resulting in energy for maintaining essential body functions such as breathing. Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid or folate, is essential during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects of the brain, spine and spinal cord in babies.

Combat free radical cell damage

The manganese in lupin beans is a cofactor for the superoxide dismutase enzyme, required for the prevention of free radical damage that may possibly lead to cell mutations and cancer formations.

Gluten free

Last but not least, lupin beans lack gluten, a protein celiac disease sufferers and gluten-intolerant or gluten sensitive individuals cannot digest due to their small intestine triggering a sort of immune reaction to it. This makes them a good option for celiac sufferers, contributing to adding variety to their diets.