Are Eggs High In Potassium? (A Complete Answer)

As soon as breakfast comes, there is always a dilemma that divides the people into two categories: eating eggs or yogurt?.

Eggs are trendy foods used mainly for breakfast and different dishes, such as salads or sandwiches. There is a considerable amount of eggs available, and all of them share something in common: to be high in nutrition.

The most known benefits of eating eggs are related to cholesterol, which serves as preventive action against degenerative diseases of the nervous system. But in case you had some bad experience with kidney, one of the most important pieces of information that you would know is related to the quantity of potassium that the eggs have. So…

Are eggs high in potassium? The quantity of potassium present on eggs is 63 mg for a large egg of 50g and 126mg for 100g of eggs, making the eggs a medium potassium food. Particular good if you are following a low potassium diet.

Although the quantity of potassium present in eggs ranges between 101 and 200 mg, eggs enter the category of medium potassium foods.

Are Eggs High In Potassium

Are scrambled eggs high in potassium?

The egg is undoubtedly one of the lovest foods worldwide; it is almost impossible to find some part of the world where the eggs are not used. Although various eggs are present, the modality on which the eggs are prepared is generally the same.

Undoubtedly one of the most common ways of preparing eggs is scrambled eggs. Have you ever wondered if the potassium content of a scrambled egg is the same as the boiled one? 

The potassium value of a large scrambled egg of 61g is 81mg; for 100g of scrambled egg, you will find 132 mg of potassium.

This makes the scrambled egg slightly higher in potassium than the boiled one, but it could always be considered in the medium range of potassium foods.

What part of the egg has potassium?

Now that we understand how much potassium an egg has, have you ever thought about which part of the egg contains the most potassium?

The egg with the highest potassium is the white part, which contains approximately 55 mg of potassium, contributing to nearly 80% of the total potassium content present on the eggs.

Has this affirmation surprised you? Knowing that affirmation now, you can reduce the number of white eggs and balance everything to fit best for you.

Are fried eggs high in potassium? 

Another trendy but less healthy way of cooking eggs is fried eggs. If you decide to make breakfast in whatever part of the USA, fried eggs will surely be present on the menu.

But, can you eat fried eggs on a low potassium diet? The quantity of potassium present on a large serving of fried egg of 46g is 70mg, which means 152 mg of potassium for 100g of fried eggs.

As you can notice, fried eggs have a slightly higher quantity of potassium than boiled eggs or scrambled eggs. Although fried eggs are higher in potassium, they can still be considered a medium potassium content.

Are deviled eggs high in potassium?

Deviled egg refers to a specific type of preparation of eggs in which maionese, mustard, vinegar, salt and pepper are added. 

If this is the first time you hear that type of egg, I understand that the word “deviled” may sound unfamiliar to you. So what does it mean? 

Deviled is a term used since the 18th, and it was mainly referring to the typology of spicy foods.

Deviled eggs are easy to prepare, and they are perfect if you like to change and experiment in the kitchen with new dishes.

But are devils healthy? How much potassium is on deviled eggs? One deviled egg has 69 mg of potassium, and for 100g of a deviled egg, you will find 113 mg of potassium.

They are not exaggerate in potassium content as you might expect, and they are excellent if you are following a diet that requires you to consume a low amount of potassium.

See also: Is Olive High In Potassium?

Are pickled eggs high in potassium?

The conservation of foods is a widespread practice, and it can be done with a lot of foods. If you didn’t know, the preservation of eggs can be done too and are called pickled eggs.

Pickled eggs are eggs that were boiled and cured in vinegar. As for most of the foods, they were invented to be consumed in the coming months later. But what is its potassium content? Are they varying from the boiling eggs?

The potassium content of a pickled egg is lower than other types of eggs; in fact, one pickled egg has 20 mg of potassium, and for 100g of pickled egg, you will find only 43 mg of potassium.

This value is incredibly lower than a regular boiled egg. If you are forced to avoid food with high potassium, you can indeed eat pickled eggs since the content of potassium is very low compared to other types of eggs.

Are duck eggs high in potassium?

Duck eggs are less popular than chicken eggs, but they are one of the best alternatives if chicken eggs are not available.

They share essential nutrients and benefits for humans; their content in fibre is minimal, only 1.45 g, and they have a good amount of energy for 100 g of duck eggs, around 185 kcal.

Duck eggs taste differently from chicken eggs, and some people may find them not so good. 

Regarding potassium content, the duck eggs have 156 mg of potassium for egg and 222mg of potassium for 100g of duck eggs.

As you might notice, this value makes the duck eggs fall into the categories of high potassium foods, as the quantity of potassium is overtaking 200mg per 100g.

Are quail eggs high in potassium?

Quail eggs have the privilege to be named as one of the best types of eggs rich in nutrients. 

Quail eggs are perfect for their vitamin, mineral and protein content. Although they have all these nutritional values, they are very high in cholesterol content, and for that reason, people that have diabetes should choose carefully or limit it.

The potassium content for a single quail egg is 12mg, while the amount of potassium for 100g of quail eggs is 132 mg.

Quail eggs are low in potassium but high in cholesterol, so it will be best to consume them in moderation and only for a limited time per month.

Are ostrich eggs high in potassium?

Ostrich eggs are the most significant types of eggs known on the earth, their dimensions can be immense, and it is practically impossible to eat a single ostrich egg for breakfast alone.

A single ostrich egg can reach up to 1.4 kg, equivalent to 50 chicken eggs.

Leaving out its incredible huge dimensions, ostrich eggs are rich in nutrients; in fact, they are an essential source of omega-three fatty acids, rich in vitamin B, B9 and B12.

But when it comes to potassium content, are ostrich eggs high in potassium?

The single-serving size of ostrich eggs with 1.4kg has an incredible quantity of 1932 mg of potassium.

The incredible high value of potassium present in the ostrich eggs is mainly due to their size. And as you can imagine, eating a single ostrich egg can also be dangerous for your health if you are following a low potassium diet.


Knowing the potassium content of foods is very important, especially if you follow a low potassium diet. Thanks to this article, now you can know everything you have to know about the potassium content in the eggs.