Are Tomatoes Acidic or Alkaline? (All You Need To Know)

Tomatoes are one of the most humble and beloved fruits all across the globe. They are commonly produced in almost all parts the world and are an essential part of our everyday salads, sandwiches, and a variety of other food items.

However, this juicy and delicious staple has been under many controversies because of its pH. Yes, you read it right!

Tomatoes are sometimes considered toxic because of the unpleasant health outcomes linked to their consumption. However, they are still part of most of our meals.

Well, if you are confused about the toxicity or acidity of tomatoes, you’ve landed on the right page. This article will let you know whether tomatoes are acidic or alkaline and how can you incorporate them into your diet for the best results.

Are tomatoes acidic?

A simple answer to this is yes. Tomatoes are more acidic than alkaline having a pH between 4.3 – 4.9. [1]

It is because of the presence of malic and citric acid in them.

Many health experts suggest that foods with a pH lower than 4.6 can cause acid production in your stomach and can lead to conditions like acid reflux, GERD, and heartburn.

However, this pH range depends on a lot of factors one of which is their ripening. The extent of ripening can alter the pH of tomatoes. Riper tomatoes tend to be less acidic than unripe ones. The latter leans towards the acidic pH more than the former.

Also, other factors like the methods of preparation, the variety of tomatoes, and their growing conditions alter the level of acidity.

For instance, canned tomatoes are more acidic than raw ones. It is because canning them requires the addition of preservatives which further lowers the level of pH. The pH level goes down to around 3.5 but it is necessary to increase the shelf lives of cans and prevent the growth of bacteria.

Furthermore, the acidic taste of cherry tomatoes is undetectable because they are added with significant sugar content but their acidity is somewhat similar to that of regular tomatoes.

The pH of tomatoes also changes with their form of preparation. If you are making a juice out of raw tomatoes, it is likely to be slightly lower in pH because the skin containing the fiber is peeled off during the process.

In conclusion, tomatoes are acidic as compared to other fruits and vegetables. However, the acidity might vary with the variety and preparation methods.

Is it safe to consume tomatoes?

Now that you know that tomatoes are acidic, you must be wondering if it is safe to consume them or not. Well, we have an answer to that too!

Tomatoes might not serve as a stomach-friendly option for people sensitive to acidic foods. It might accelerate the production of acid inside your stomach leading to conditions like GERD and acid reflux. See more: Are tomatoes Good for acid reflux?

However, with being acidic, we cannot overlook the nutritional content of this nature’s bliss. Removing tomatoes from your diet completely might deprive you of some essential vitamins and minerals.

If you want to explore how nutritious tomatoes are, keep reading!

The Health Benefits of Eating Tomatoes  

Tomatoes are 95% water and are known as one of the lowest-calorie food items. Their small caloric content comes primarily from fiber which is essential for smooth digestion.

The fiber content soaks up the extra amount of stomach acid produced by consuming tomatoes. In this way, they can ease the symptoms of various stomach issues.

What is even more interesting is that tomatoes, by nature, are richly supplied with vitamin C and K and also have a good amount of potassium in them. All three of these are necessary to regulate proper body functions, prevent blood clots, maintain good bone density, and reduce the risk of heart issues.

Vitamin C also helps to strengthen your immunity allowing you to fight off foreign invaders. It also prevents diseases like scurvy.

Moreover, the antioxidants (e.g. lycopene) present in the tomatoes are good for removing free radicals present in your body which keeps the likelihood of chronic diseases and cellular damage at bay. Tomatoes also have anti-inflammatory properties and prevent inflammation of various muscles and tissues.

So, what do you think, is it worth adding tomatoes to your daily diet provided that they are acidic but still offer such a long list of benefits?

Well, we have a suggestion. Have a look!

Here is the safer way out

The safest way to avail of all the benefits provided by tomatoes and to avoid the inconveniences caused by their acidic nature is to watch out for the number of tomatoes you are consuming. Taking in a moderate amount won’t cause much damage.

For this purpose, you have to take into account all the forms of tomatoes in your diet including raw tomatoes, tomato sauce, soup, juice, or pasta.  Spread out your intake throughout the week. As there is little research on the daily recommended value of tomatoes, it is better to manage your intake on your own.

Use tomatoes where necessary. Look for potential alternatives like bell pepper paste and sauce, tamarind paste, red capsicum, yogurt, olives, etc. They can provide you with a similar taste and can potentially satisfy your craving for tomatoes.

These substitutes work best for people with a sensitive stomach like the ones at the risk of developing GERD symptoms and conditions like heartburn.

Final thoughts

Yes, tomatoes are acidic due to the presence of malic and citric acid. Their lower pH links them with painful conditions like indigestion, heartburn, or acid reflux. So, people with such conditions should avoid their consumption to the max. However, those who are insensitive to acidic foods can consume them. But it is always safe to keep your intake within moderate ranges and consume alternative options whenever possible.

