Properties and Benefits of Sour Cherries

Sour cherry

While their tart flavor might not be to everyone’s liking, sour cherries (Prunus cerasus) possess rather amazing healing properties that go beyond our wildest imagination. Research on its health benefits has found that eating raw sour cherries can help improve a wide range of medical conditions. The fruit was found to possess both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory … Read more about Properties and Benefits of Sour Cherries

Properties and Benefits of Montmorency Cherries

Montmorency tart cherry benefits

Montmorency cherries are one of two major groups of tart cherries called Amarelle. While lower in antioxidant anthocyanins compared to Morello and black cherries, Montmorency are nonetheless a source of good nutrition and important health benefits. Montmorency cherries, cherry juice and concentrate provide benefits for inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, gout and benefits for exercise-related … Read more about Properties and Benefits of Montmorency Cherries