What Is White Watermelon? (Facts and Useful Info)

White watermelon

Did you know there are white watermelons? Unless you know beforehand, you won’t know they are white inside until you crack them open to eat them. You can eat white watermelon just like any other watermelon color and enjoy similar benefits for health. While lacking in lycopene, xanthophylls and other carotenoid antioxidants, nutrition wise, white … Read more about What Is White Watermelon? (Facts and Useful Info)

What Are White Cherries?

White cherries

White cherries are a more discolored variety of cherry, but are they actually white? Is there even such as variety of cherry as white cherries? What gives white cherries their color? Where do white cherries come from? What do white cherries taste like? Are white cherries better for you than red? What is the nutritional … Read more about What Are White Cherries?