The pH levels of avocado range between 6.27-6.58, values that classified the avocado as an acidic fruit. Although it is considered acidic a fruit when its value is below 7, we can say that avocado is almost a neutral fruit.
Avocados are primarily consumed nowadays, mainly because they are multi nutrients foods. They contain several vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin B5, vitamin K, and vitamin B6.
Do Avocados Cause Acid Reflux or Heartburn?
Yes. If you are following a diet rich in fat, the consumption of avocado may increase the possibility of causing acid reflux.
Why does avocado cause acid reflux?
Avocado causes acid reflux is explained by its effects when consumed. When we eat avocado, it stimulates a hormone that relaxes the lower esophageal, causing the sensation of acid reflux.
Does avocado make acid reflux worse?
Yes. Depending on your acidity level, consuming avocado may make your acid even worse, mainly due to the amount of fat contained in the avocado.
Are all avocados acidic?
No. The acidity of avocados depends on the ripeness of the fruit, and more ripe avocados will have a higher level of acidity. This is mainly because as the fruit becomes riper, the level of sugar increases.
If you are interested to learn more about the acid and alkaline fruits, take a look to our alkaline-acid fruit map.