22 Fruits That Start With T (Updated)

The advantage of knowing the fruit name that starts with T are multeplicity, from playing a trivia game to improving and knowing new varieties and species of fruits that otherwise would be impossible to know. 

In the previous articles, we already discussed fruits that start with s, and if you are interested, we also have a list of fruits that start with v

In today’s list, we will explore 22 fruits that start with T by giving you a short description of them.

The fruits that start with T are:

  1. Tamarillo
  2. tamarind
  3. tangelo
  4. tropical beach
  5. tart cherries
  6. tayberry
  7. tomato
  8. Tachibana 
  9. Tahitian chestnut
  10. tangor
  11. tabog
  12. Taylor’s golden pear
  13. terap
  14. texas persimmon
  15. thimbleberry
  16. tacao
  17. Tommy Atkins mango
  18. Tompkins king apple
  19. tropical almond
  20. Turkey berry
  21. topaz apple
  22. totapuri mango



The first fruit of our list of fruits that start with T is Tamarillo. Native from Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Chile. 

Tamarillo is a pendant fruit with leathery skin purple, red, yellow, and orange. It has a succulent with a mildly sweet to subacid pulp surrounded by numerous black seeds. 

Tamarillo is used for preparing sweet and savory dishes and recipes. In addition, Tamarillo fruit is blended with ice, sugar, and milk to prepare extrariodanty beverage drinks in South America.



Tamarind is an ancient fruit that has been cultivated for a long time in India and Arabic Zones. 

The fruit has an irregular shape, brown or grayish-brown, soft, and acidic pulp. Tamarind is largely consumed by Indian peoples, who use it as the main ingredient with meat and fish.

Tamarind has been used in traditional medicine in Asia and Africa. The pulp is a digestive aid and serves as a natural laxative. 



Tangelo is a hybrid fruit of mandarin and grapefruit or pomelo. Today, tangelo is largely cultivated in southern California and tropical and subtropical climates.

Tangelo has a spherical shape, with a juicy, sweet, and subacid pulp. Tangelo as the majority of oranges are consumed by hand or used to enrich the taste of salads.

4-Tropical peach

Tropical peach

Tropical peach fruit originated from southern India and Sri Lanka. The tropical peach has a Reddish-brown exterior color, with numerous tiny white spots.

The fruit has a sweet-sour taste, and they are usually consumed fresh or utilized for the production of jams or fermented and used for the production of wine.

5-Tart cherries

Tart cherries in boxes

The next fruit of our list of fruits that start with T is tart cherry. Tart cherries are closely related to sweet cherries, and the difference between the two is almost invisible at first look. 

The only markable difference is regarding the taste of them. As the name suggests, tart cherries have a slightly tart taste when compared to other varieties of cherries. 



Tayberry is a cross between the blackberry and red raspberry. It is an edible fruit, and it comes in larger sizes than other berries. 

The taste of tayberry is sweet and more aromatic than blackberry and raspberry. 

Tayberry is consumed fresh or used for preparing jams, pies, and other sweet base dishes.



The next fruit of our list of fruits that starts with the letter T doesn’t need any presentation. Tomatoes are well known for being a good source of essential nutrients and antioxidants for our health.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and vitamin C, and if you want, you can understand more by visiting our article: properties and benefits of tomatoes

8-Tachibana Orange

Tachibana Orange

Tachibana orange is part of a variety of mandarins that grows mainly in japan. As you can see from the picture above, they don’t represent any substantial difference among all the other varieties of mandarins.

9-Tahitian chestnut

Tahitian chestnut

The next species of fruits that start with T have their origin in the Solomon Islands, Fiji, and Papua New Guinea. The fruit has an irregular shape, and the skin is smooth and light green.

The kernel is the edible part of the food, which contains approximately 5% of protein and 55% of carbs. When raw, the seeds are inedible and can be consumed only after being roasted, grilled, or baked.



Tangor is a hybrid fruit of mandarin and sweet orange. It is characterized by a thin peel, easy-peel, and a bright orange sweet pulp.



Tabog is a fruit native to Colombia. The fruit has an ovoid shape and comes in green to yellowish-green color. The taste of the pulp is juicy and contains numerous seeds.

The taste of tabog can be compared to the one of lime; in fact, it is largely used to prepare lemonade or enrich the flavors of different dishes.

12-Taylor’s golden pear

Taylor's golden pear

Taylor’s golden pear is a variety of pear discovered in New Zealand. However, it doesn’t represent anything particular compared to the other types of pear, and the only reason of why it is present in our list is that it is a fruit that starts with the letter T.



The next fruit of our list of fruits that start with T is the terap. 

Terap is a fruit closely related to jackfruit and breadfruit. However, the taste of this particular fruit is superior compared to jackfruit and breadfruit. It has a mild creamy, and juicy taste. 

The external appearance as we might notice from the picture above is of a green color covered by soft spines. The interior appearance of terap is similar to the jackfruits, white in color and softer.

14-Texas persimmon

Texas persimmon

As the name can suggest, Texas persimmon is a type of persimmon native to central and west Texas. 

The fruit has a color that ranges from black to green when unripe containing triangular seeds. In Texas, they are largely used for the production of pudding.



Thimbleberries are native to western North America and Alaska. The fruit thimbleberry is similar in appearance to raspberry. 

The exterior appearance of thimbleberry is bright red. Thimbleberry can be eaten raw or used for the production of jams.



The next fruit on our list of fruits that start with the T is Tacaco. Tacaco fruit has an oval shape with a dark green color. Small spines also cover the exterior part of the tacaco fruit.

The fruit when unripe has a cucumber-like taste used for preparing soups and other salt meal prepared dishes. If you wish to try tacaco fruit, you will find it in most Central American markets with a high possibility of chance.

17-Tommy Atkins mango

Tommy Atkins mango

Tommy Atkins mango is not the only mangos species present worldwide. But, first, you have to know that there are more than 400 species of different mangos. 

Tommy Atkins mangoes have the special characteristics to be conserved for a longer time when compared to other mangoes species, making it one of the best mangoes species to be sold in the grocery stores.

18-Tompkins king apple

Tompkins king apple

Tompkins king apple is a large variety of apple. It is considered one of the tastiest among all the species of apples. Tompkins King’s apple is mainly red with yellow stripes, while the flesh is yellow and crisp.

19-Tropical almond

Tropical almond

Tropical almond is native to Southeast Asia, the tropical almond fruit has an egg shape, and the coloration will depend upon its ripeness level.

Tropical almonds, when unripe, have a green coloration, and as soon as they become ripe, the coloration becomes yellow or reddish. 

The taste of tropical almonds is similar to the most known variations of almonds, and it can be consumed raw or roasted.

20-Turkey berry

Turkey berry

Turkey berry is commonly found in North America, Brazil, and Argentina. The color of turkey berry is orange to orange-yellow.

The plants of Turkey berry have also been introduced in Thailand and other Asian regions, where they consume it as vegetables in soup and stir-fries.

21-Topaz apple

Topaz apple

Another apple species present in our list of fruits that start with t is the topaz apple. 

The only particularity of topaz apple is that it has been cultivated in the Czech Republic and has a bright red color.

22-Totapuri mango

Totapuri mango

The last fruit of our list that starts with the letter T is the totapuri mango. 

Totapuri mango is a variety of mango mainly cultivated in South India and Sri Lanka. 

Totapuri mango has a yellow color, and if compared with other mango variations, it is slight bitterness.

Final thoughts

With totapuri mango we finish our list of fruits that begin with T. We saw many fruits that start with T, some of them very known, others not very famous, hoping that this article was helpful for you, you can consider taking a look at the fruits that start with U.