7 Fruits That Start With X (Mostly Rare!!)

The fruits that start with X are not the same amount as those that start with W

The list of fruits that we will show you today will be only 7.

Most of the fruits you will see today are not popular in the USA; many are used mainly in countries such as Africa or Asia. 

The fruits that start with X are:

  1. Xigua
  2. Ximenia craffa
  3. Xilocarpus granatum fruit
  4. Xinomavro
  5. Xarello
  6. Xanthium
  7. Xoncostle



The first fruit on our list of fruits that begin with X is Xigua. It may sound strange, but with a high probability at least once in your life, you have consumed it. 

Xigua is the Chinese name for what we call watermelon. If you are interested in expanding your knowledge of watermelon nutrients, you can always look at the benefits of watermelon.

2-Ximenia craffa

Ximenia craffa

Ximenia craffa is a fruit native to African regions, specifically southeast Africa. Ximenia craffa has an ellipsoidal shape, and its skin is smooth with a color that goes from green when unripe to red-orange when fully ripe. 

The pulp of ximenia craffa is juicy, and its color ranges from orange to red. Most of the population in Africa consumes the fruit raw, but thanks to its sweetness, the fruit can be used to prepare jams-based products. 

3- Xilocarpus granatum fruit

Xilocarpus granatum fruit

Proceeding on our list of fruits that start with X, we found the Xilocarpus granatum fruit.

It is mainly foundable in Asia, Australia, and the pacific islands. The shape of the fruit is similar to pomelo, and it is Woodley encapsulated. 

The uses of xilocarpus granatum are essentially 2. The first use is related to its durable and hard shell, used for building boats, and the other use is for medicinal purposes mainly by Malaysian people.



The following fruit on our list that begins with X is a grape cultivated in Greece. 

Xinomavro is the main variety of grape used for the production of red wine in Greece. The taste of xinomavro wine is slightly acidic but pleasurable, especially the aftertaste.

5- Xarello


Xarello is a grape-based fruit that starts with X and is produced in Spain. Xarello grape is used to produce white wine, mainly in Catalonia. 

The main characteristic of the wine produced with Xarello is its intense and strong taste.



It may seem that xantium is not a fruit, but it is. As we can see from the picture above, the fruit is yellow and surrounded by spines of a violet color. 

The fruit has been used for medicinal purposes in China, and it is not consumed raw due to its high toxicity risk. 

7- Xoconostle


The last fruit on our list of fruits that start with X is the Xoconostle fruit. Xoconostle cactus fruit is native to Central America, and it has been a fruit primarily consumed by indigenous people from ancient times.

The exterior appearance of Xoconostle fruit resembles the shape of a pear, it has green to red coloration, and it is covered with small spines like prickly pears. The flesh of xoncostle is green, and it has a juicy taste.

The Mexican population mainly uses Xoconostle fruit for preparing traditional base dishes.

Final thoughts

With the xoconostle, we covered all the fruits that start with X; if you are interested, you can also look at the fruits that start with Y.