How Long Does Dragon Fruit Last? ( With Infographic)

Leaving out the fact that dragon fruit is not a common type of fruit, many people are somehow able to find it, and if there is something that for sure should be avoided, it is the one of losing the fantastic taste of it.

How Long Does Dragon Fruit Last

For that reason, it is important to know all the tricks that may be helpful for the safe storage of dragon fruit in the way that it can be eaten at different times by keeping the taste of this famous tropical fruit.

How long does dragon fruit last? The period of which the dragon fruit last depends on the modality on which it will be stored; dragon fruit let in the kitchen with an average temperature of 18 C if opened can last for 2-3 days, in the fridge, not peel can last for 2-3 weeks, while in freeze whole it can last for 3 months or more.

As you probably notice, the primary influence that makes varying the timing of lasting for the dragon fruit is dictated by previous use.

How long does dragon fruit last after being cut?

One of the major uses of dragon fruit is being cut into slices and consumed fresh. Then it is all blended with water, ice, and sugar, to make it fresher.

Another famous way of using dragon fruits in slices is by inserting them on a salad or as a garnish for desserts, ice cream and cocktails.

If for some reason, after utilizing it in some of the variants that we described before, you have some leftover slices of dragon fruit, it is important to know the best ways and for how long it will last.

Cut dragon fruits will last less than unopened dragon fruits; at an average temperature, you can consider a maximum time frame of 2-3 days, while other solutions such as freezing can exponentially increase the storing time.

If you are searching for a method that makes lasting your dragon fruits more time, you have to try the solutions of cutting it in slices, creating cubes, and simply storing it in the freeze.

It is impossible that the original taste will be kept unchanged, but this method represents a perfect solution to be used if you have some slices of dragon fruits leftover.

How long does dragon fruit last in the fridge?

You can expect that the dragon fruit will last for 2-3 weeks if you decide to put it in the fridge.

Anyway, this is a hypothetical period because other factors may influence the lasting period of dragon fruit.

If you are planning to store a dragon fruit that was not opened, you can expect a longer timing of lasting, and with a high probability of chance, it will last for 3 weeks before showing any signs of deteriorating.

Opposite discussion for a dragon fruit that was partially consumed. In that case, the fridge will increase the timing, but it will not last longer than 2 weeks before showing the first signs of bad smells.

how long does dragon fruit last in the refrigerator?

If you are searching for the best way for storing dragon fruit for a longer time, the answer is a refrigerator.

If you store the dragon fruit unopened, it could last for at least 1 year, while opened or cut in slice dragon fruits can last for 3 months.

The overall quality of the dragon fruit will decrease, but it will be the best solution for long conservations.

To keep the dragon fruit’s original taste, you can spray a lemon on the top of the slices of cut dragon fruit.

See also :How Long Does Pineapple Last?

how long does dragon fruit last uncut?

Uncut dragon fruit has a long time of lasting; if you keep it in the kitchen and away from heating sources, you can expect it to last at least 5 days, uncut dragon fruit in the fridge will last 3 weeks, while if stored in the refrigerator it will last more than 8 months.

The best thing that you can do after purchasing a dragon fruit is to utilize it because, with time, it will lose its flavours.

How do you know if dragon fruit has gone bad?

The best way to notice if the dragon fruit has gone bad is by looking at the outside consistency and colour of the fruit. If you notice that the colour has changed to a marked magenta and the skin has become softer, it is one sign that is starting to go bad.

It is important to understand that dragon fruits and other tropical fruits must be treated with particular attention if you want to eat it in the best manner possible.

Other signs that show that dragon fruits have gone bad are bad smell and gray colour inside when cutted in half.

As the dragon fruits get ripped from the outside and the internal color change, the taste will become sweeter, and for some of you, it might be translated into a better flavor.

But it could happen that letting it for an extended period in the kitchen or the fridge will become too ripe and not good to eat.

Now that you have all the tools available to evaluate the state of the dragon fruit, I hope that it is not too late, and you can still enjoy it.

How do you store dragon fruit for a long time?

 How To Store Dragon Fruit For Long time-infographic

We are all aware of the sweet taste that dragon fruit has, but this sweet tropical fruit, unluckily if not appropriately treated, can go bad in a very short time.

Choosing the right strategy to store the dragon fruit is one of the priorities to be followed if you want to eat the fruit more than once.

The best thing you can do if you want to store the dragon fruit for a long time is to freeze it by cutting it into small pieces.

The first operation that will permit storing the dragon fruit for a long time is peeling the fruit and completely cutting it into small cubes.

Then it would help if you placed it for a night in the refrigerator by positioning the slice of dragon fruit into a baking sheet.

The last operation is to place it into a small plastic bag for more comfortable use. 

By following the steps listed, you will guarantee a long time of conservation, and once you desire dragon fruit, you can defrost it and utilize it by creating some fantastic dishes.


How long dragon fruit lasts will depend upon the methodology that you will use for the preservation and the conditions of the fruit before getting stored. This article covered all the possible combinations to guarantee the most prolonged and best lasting of dragon fruit to permit you the reuse of this unique tropical fruit.