Is Chamomile Good For Acid Reflux? (Answered)

Sounding like a common problem but causing misery for those who suffer it, acid reflux is one of those conditions that can steal the enjoyment of food and drink.

The stomach leaching acid causes this condition into the esophagus. You may get heartburn, a sore throat, burning, burping, or even regurgitation and bringing your food back up as the symptoms of acid reflux.

Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) returns food consumed from the stomach into the esophagus and the mouth, causing pain and burning. This happens when the muscle supposed to stop stomach acid from leaking out of the stomach doesn’t work correctly.

Herbal teas can help to reduce stomach acid and bring your gut into glorious shape. Known for reducing bloating and irritation, certain herbs make life with gastro issues way more bearable. In this article, we will discuss the effect of chamomile on acid reflux.

Is Chamomile Good For Acid Reflux?

The caffeine content in tea brewed from dried flowers such as chamomile tea tends to be lower. Some even do not contain caffeine; therefore, it is relatively safe if taken by people with stomach acid disorders.

In vitro and animal studies have shown that chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial abilities.

Acid reflux causes stomach acid to move back into your esophagus. This time there is a painful swelling in the esophagus.

According to one study, an herbal preparation containing chamomile extract reduced gastric acidity and a commercial antacid. The mixture was also more effective than antacids in preventing secondary acidity.

However, chamomile was not the only herb in the preparation.

More studies are needed to determine if it will have the same effect on its own. Stress is a common acid reflux trigger.

A 2015 study reviewed the prevalence of lifestyle factors associated with gastroesophageal disease (GERD), a more severe form of acid reflux.

Does Chamomile Help Heartburn?

Chamomile tea soothes the gastrointestinal tract and helps relieve heartburn. It is best to drink 1 to 3 cups of chamomile tea daily as a preventive measure.

We will be happy to put together an appropriate mix for you. Several different things can cause heartburn, but the fact of the matter is that it is uncomfortable, and when you have it, you just want it to stop! So sip on a cup of chamomile tea! The chamomile tea has a calming effect that helps stop the burning pain, so it doesn’t move up from your stomach into the middle of your chest and throat!

Is Chamomile Acidic?

Chamomile tea has a pH of around 6.5 to 6.7, making it slightly acidic. Chamomile tea is mildly acidic, but it is usually a neutral substance, almost like water.

However, even at its most acidic, chamomile tea is close enough to the neutral point that it should not trigger a flare-up unless you have a severe case of acid reflux. Because of mildly acidity and anti-inflammatory, chamomile may even help relieve acid reflux flare-ups.

When making chamomile tea, be sure not to steep it for too long as that lowers its pH and makes it more acidic.

Is Chamomile Tea And Honey Good For Acid Reflux?

The Antispasmodic properties of the chamomile flower in chamomile tea, along with the beneficial anti-inflammatory effects of honey, can control gastrointestinal ailments such as indigestion and acid reflux.

Antispasmodic properties of this mixture can also eliminate harmful bacteria or germs present in the gut, thereby relieving symptoms such as stomach irritations, digestive disorders, and gastric ulcers.

If you’re taking chamomile tea with honey before bed or for improved sleep, then limit it to 1 tsp of honey. Adding too much honey can interfere with your insulin levels and snooze sleep patterns.

Is Honey Vanilla Chamomile Tea Good for Acid Reflux?

One of the health benefits of honey vanilla chamomile tea is to relieve acid reflux and other digestive disorders. This is due to the presence of anti-inflammatory properties in it.

Also, based on the National Center for Biotechnology Information research, Chamomile tea has been valued as a digestive relaxant. It has been used to treat various gastrointestinal disturbances, including flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea, anorexia, motion sickness, and nausea.

Is Chamomile Mint Tea Good for Acid Reflux?

Chamomile is a natural tranquilizer that helps treat stomach problems, control poor digestion and treat stomach ulcers. To help treat reflux, drinking 2 to 3 cups of tea a day is recommended. In addition, chamomile also helps relieve anxiety and stress, which are a major cause of reflux.

Is Chamomile and Lavender Tea Good for Acid Reflux?

When combined with chamomile, lavender tea provides:

  • The ultimate support for your digestive system.
  • Helping to relieve symptoms of bloating.
  • Indigestion.
  • Acid reflux.

With its gorgeous appearance and delicious aroma, this warming cup of tea is a good treat for the senses, eyes, taste buds, belly, and brain!

The tea is best to soothe your nerves and body and activates your nervous system. Moreover, people who face specific skin allergies should avoid this tea.

Lavender tea is best to soothe your nerves and body and activates your nervous system. Also, people who face specific skin allergies should avoid this tea.

Is Chamomile Tea Good for Acid Reflux in Babies?

Chamomile tea is beneficial for the stomach in adults and improves sleep. Chamomile is also known to be wonderful for acid reflux in babies.

Chamomile flower has some components that reduce cramps in the body, and at the same time, it is also a mild pain reliever. This way the tea gives relief from acid reflux and relaxes the body. Boil some flowers in water, filter them and make a solution; a few spoons can be given to the child daily.


Chamomile tea has properties similar to pain relievers, such as NSAIDs, so it is suitable for treating pain due to acid reflux, such as stomach pain, heartburn, and heartburn. The bonus, chamomile is safe to consume in reasonable amounts.

A cup of chamomile tea mixed with honey or cinnamon is also soothing, so it can reduce stress. But be careful; some people are reported to have allergies to chamomile tea. If you are one of them, you should avoid consuming this herbal drink.

In addition, many other natural drinks are effective in relieving symptoms of stomach acid, such as kefir, almond milk, soy milk, carrot juice, apple cider vinegar, carrot juice, aloe vera juice, and others. Just choose according to taste.